Thursday, April 19, 2012

Holograms: Musicians of The Past... My Thoughts

Today I want to touch on something that's been going on as of lately.  Now of course there has been so much buzz about the Tupac hologram performance at Coachella 2012.  While I know who Tupac is and I can admit, rap is not for me.  The performance was interesting.  I mean there has been a lot of people praising the performance & the way the hologram was done.  Now what I didn't know was something like this had been done before on American Idol.  My friend had shown me this video from YouTube where Celine Dion came out and did a duet with an Elvis Presley hologram singing, 'Can't Help Falling In Love You' on American Idol.  It was good performance.  I thought it was a good mixture & seeing Elvis on stage... even in a hologram, I thought it was done well and I applaud what they did.

Now in the past couple of days, knowing what technology can do in regards of reviving musicians from the past, it's got me thinking a lot.  First off, holograms are cool.  I'm not going to lie and so far with these recent holograms of singers from the past, it's got lot of positive feedback from people.  So today I want to share my 2 cents on this topic & kind of briefly explain how I feel about this.  Now just the idea of reviving musicians in a hologram is cool.  I know there have been some people out there who have said "it's nothing compared to the real thing" and they are right to.  I'm not going disagree with that.  But it's cool to see what technology can do.  The only thing that I can say... I would not say it's a negative thing but more of a nitpick (perhaps thought) is that from what they can do, it just goes to show the downfall of the music industry.  Now I'm not going to sit here and blast today's music all day because what can I say that hasn't been said before? I mean I can rant all day and yes it's a generation thing but today when musicians can only claim fame by the use of digital enhancements & auto-tune it's just no comparison to the past.  Even other things such as American Idol.  I'm not a big fan of that show because even with people who come out winning they really don't elevate much higher from a certain point and what they produce after a while becomes stagnant.  I know some might disagree but if I had to be honest, we need more musicians than we do singers in this age.

So there are things to blame for today's music industry.  But with this somewhat trend of reviving musicians from the past in hologram-form, I don't mind.  I'm all for it.  Yes, what they can do will never touch the real thing but I rather see a hologram of Elvis than go down the road and listen to the same vanilla, recycled crap on the radio.  Now I can understand people might go "well it just goes to show the lack of creativity in today's music" or "I can't believe they would make money off of the dead like that".  I will not disregard those things.  It's understandable.  But I don't mind it and now as of recently they are in talks of doing the same for Michael Jackson, Jimi Hendrix, and Marvin Gaye.  I'm interesting in seeing how it will be done.  So while it's cool and I don't mind it.  At the same time I can understand the backlash from people.  It's a thing where I can say I'm 80/20 on if I can put it like that haha.  Any ways, I will just wrap it up here.  It's been good talking about this and briefly sharing my 2 cents.  Thanks for tuning in and have a good day.

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